Leaking the weirdest employee orientation video
EA SPORTS wanted to celebrate the 14th anniversary of their mostplayed game mode, Fifa Ultimate Team. We had to create a film that spoketo and excited some of the world’s most engaged gamers. People who, havingbuilt and played with their own teams for years, knew the game and all thetexture of its gameplay, inside-out.
We would use 1% of hardcore FIFA players to prick up the ears ofthe other 99%.
Promoting one of the deepest pockets of one of the world'smost-played games meant we had to tap into players’ own ideas and experiencesof the game. That meant only one thing, we were going to make some eastereggs….
To pack in as many references and inside jokes as we could, we created a fictional division of EA SPORTS, dedicated to celebrating the birthday of Ultimate Team…
Inspired by the likes of NASA, and DARPA, BIRGFUT is the(extremely top secret) Bureau of Independent Revelry and Gatherings for Ultimate Team.
Whilst people 'shouldn't know BIRGFUT exists', a clunky, low-fi employee orientation video was prepared and prepared to be accidentally leaked.
The weird and surreal dials were turned up to the max. All with the intention of creating something that felt like an internal document produced, shot and directed by the researchers themselves.
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Thank you
Shoutout to our family at KODE, Trevor Conrad & Team at EA SPORTS who helped bring this whacky birthday celebration to life.